Thank you to those who attended the 33rd Annual Representative Conference (ARC) on 18-19 June at the Midland Hotel, Manchester. We look forward to seeing you again next year.
The Annual Representative Conference (ARC) is an opportunity for the CSP’s members to meet for two days to discuss and debate matters of importance to the profession.
Delegates vote on motions to propose CSP policy and action to advise CSP Council on future policies and campaigns.
- Motions approved by the ARC Agenda Committee
- Discussion items approved by the ARC Agenda Committee
- ARC 2024 programme
ARC 2024 agenda
Day 1 - 18 June 2024
- 0830-1050 - Tea & Coffee available
- 1000-1050 - Registration, badge and agenda pack collection (Midland Hotel Foyer)
- 1100-1135 - Session 1: Conference day 1 opening
- 1135-1230 - Session 2: Motions
- 1230-1330 - Lunch/ networking
- 1235-1320 - Fringe meetings
- 1330-1415 - Session 3: Speaker - Jemima Olchawski, CEO, Fawcett Society
- 1415-1425 - Council Statement
- 1425-1535 - Motions - Israel/Gaza Motions
- 1535-1600 - Break
- 1600-1715 - Session 4: First Contact Physiotherapist Motions
- 1845-1945 - Networking reception
- 1845-2130 - ARC Dinner and Rep of the Year awards
- 2130-000 - Social
Day 2 - 19 June 2024
- 0900-0905 - Session 5: conference day 2 opening and ARC Agenda Committee elections
- 0905-1035 - Motions
- 1035-1100 - Break
- 1100-1230 Session 6: Equity Diversity and Belonging Motions and Health and Wellbeing motions
- 1230-1330 - Lunch
- 1235-1320 - Fringe meetings
- 1330-1430 - Motions
- 1430-1445 - Break
- 1445-1530 - Ricky Tomlinson, actor and active trade unionist
- 1530-1600 - Closing speeches
- 1600 - Close of day 2
Frequently asked questions about ARC
How do I propose an amendment to a motion?
- Groups may submit amendments to motions no later than 12 noon 3 June 2024 by emailing
- The group who originally submitted the motion may not amend it.
A copy of the amendment will be sent to the proposer who should indicate to the CSP whether or not they accept it.
For further details on amendments to motions please read the ARC constitution
How do I submit an emergency motion?
- Emergency motions deal with business that has arisen since the final date for submission of motions, so between 29 February and 3 June 2023. Emergency Motions must be submitted in writing by e-mail to by noon on Monday 3 June 2024.
- After that date, emergency motions should deal only with business that has arisen between 3 June – 17 June 2024. They will only be accepted by the Agenda Committee if:
- it considers them to be of significant importance;
- there has been no delay in notifying them; and
- there is time for them to be circulated to representatives with due time for their consideration.
Emergency motions dealing with matters that have arisen less than 14 days before the first day of ARC should be notified in writing to the CSP without delay.
What are motions
- An ARC motion is a form of words formally proposing an action or policy to the CSP Council. Motions are debated and voted on at ARC.
- As part of its responsibility for determining ARC business, the ARC Agenda Committee considers any motions proposed by CSP representative groups, in line with the ARC constitution.
- As ARC is an advisory body to the CSP’s elected Council, ARC resolutions are not automatically mandatory. Council can decide to accept or reject them.
Guidance for writing motions
Motions should be topical, accurate and concise, likely to prompt good debate, and clear and logical.
- Please ensure you read the instructions carefully in the 'Guidance for writing motions' document
- Please ensure you carefully read the Criteria for accepting motions prior to submitting a motion.
What happens at ARC?
- Groups are invited to present their motions - speakers have a limited time to propose their motion followed by other speakers who will respond and debate. A vote is taken on each motion and nominated reps are asked to vote.
- Fringe meetings - any group or committee can put forward a proposal to hold a fringe meeting at ARC.
- Election of the Agenda Committee reps will take place during the conference..
- Rep of the Year awards
Who are the ARC agenda committee?
- The ARC agenda committee (AAC) leads on developing plans for the conference, aiming to attract up to 250 representatives from CSP networks, boards and groups. Proposing groups are encouraged to think about motions to propose that are relevant to an issue that fits under the CSP corporate strategy. The committee determines the business of ARC, so that the conference achieves its purpose. The committee will consider submitted motions and oversee the management of motions.
- Elections to the ARC Agenda Committee will take place at ARC. Committee members usually serve a term of 4 years ending at the fourth ARC they are in post. The Position up for election on the Committee this year is the Diversity Networks rep (4 year vacancy) and Student Network rep (2 year vacancy)
Travel and accommodation at ARC
If you have registered for ARC you will have now received an email confirmation of your registration detailing how you can book travel. You will be provided access to a Trainline business account and travel agent if required. If you have any problems booking travel please contact
All attendees are provided with hotel accommodation on 18 June. (please note if you have booked to attend as an observer that travel, accommodation and dinner are not provided for you).
Accommodation on the night of 17 June is available for those whom travel to Manchester on 18 June for an 11am start is not viable. There is limited availability - please contact as soon as possible if you require this.
ARC training sessions
What has the ARC done for the CSP and its members?
Previous ARC motions have helped to change the future of the profession in areas such as:
- prescribing rights
- opening membership up to associates
- injection therapy
- affiliating to the TUC
- leading the way in equity and diversity issues, resulting in creating the network groups
- employing CSP policy officers and setting up CSP regional offices