CSP Annual Conference: student conference

We're heading to Manchester Central Convention Complex for our 2024 annual conference, and we're kicking off with the student conference on Thursday 10 October


CSP student members can come along to Manchester for free to enjoy this full day of student-focused content. Or you can join us online instead – whether you’re a CSP member or not.

The conference is open to all physiotherapy undergraduate and postgraduate students but is most suited to those in their middle and final years of study. 

Book your place at the student conference

    Call for student abstracts

    Student conference delegates are invited to submit abstracts within this year’s conference themes. Abstracts can be presented as oral Platform (10-minute), Rapid 5 (5-minutes) presentations, or as a poster for our online and in-person poster halls. 

    You must be a CSP member to submit an abstract.

    Deadline for abstract submissions: extended to 26 June 2024 at 11.59pm.

    Need help with your abstract?

    Watch our Top Tips for Submitting an Abstract to the Student Conference, which we hosted with the Physiotherapy Research Society. 

    Meet this year’s conference speakers

    View the full programme and explore topics ranging from preceptorship to communication and career journeys, plus some great opportunities to network.

    Volunteer at this year's event

    We are looking for people to help us welcome guests in person and online, manage panel discussions, and much more! 

    If you volunteer for the Student Conference (Thursday 10 October) your travel costs will be covered. If you volunteer for the Friday/Saturday conference days(s) - which includes a guest lecture from Michael Rosen - you won’t have travel costs covered but you will have access to the conference for free (tickets are usually £89 for student members). 

    We are looking for volunteers to join us both in-person and remotely. 

    Support with requesting study/ placement leave

    If you would like to attend this year's student conference but are worried that you cannot get study leave, the CSP can provide you with a letter of support that you can give to your HEI or placement provider. To request a letter of support, send an email to conference@csp.org.uk

    Frequently asked questions about the student conference

    How much is the conference for non-CSP members?

    The conference is completely free to attend however, you must be a CSP student member to attend in person. Non-members can attend online only. If you wish to attend in person, then become a CSP member today!

    Who should attend?

    Students from all year groups are welcome to attend however the content and presentations are more relevant to middle and final-year students.

    What are the benefits of attending?

    Attending this year’s conference has many benefits including:

    • Providing an opportunity to showcase your research and get valuable feedback from peers and experts in their field.
    • Learning about new research and emerging trends in physiotherapy, through a series of presentations and panel discussions featuring physiotherapists from a range of professional networks.
    • Growing your network through the opportunity to meet and interact with other students and leading physiotherapy professionals.
    • It's a professional development opportunity.

    Can I stream this to a whole year group?

    Yes, you can! We ask that you get in touch with us at conference@csp.org.uk to let us know you are doing this, so we can consider larger group interaction during our networking session and record the number of viewers we have. 

    Can I attend the conference if I am graduating before October?

    If you graduate at any time in 2024, you are eligible to attend the student conference. If possible, please book your place before your student membership status changes to graduate or chartered member. If your membership status has changed or you have difficulty booking, please contact the conference team directly via conference@csp.org. Many of the sessions will be relevant to you and we’d love to see you there!

    Can I attend the conference with a friend?

    Yes! If your friend(s) are not CSP members they can book an online-only ticket. However, if they would like the option to attend in-person, along with all the benefits CSP student membership brings, they can join as a student member for just £46.20 and get a free in-person conference ticket. Plus, if you refer a new member through our Refer and Reward scheme, both you and the new member will receive a £10 reward!

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