The Physiotherapy Benevolent Fund - Covid-19 healthcare support appeal fund

Are you struggling financially as a result of the coronavirus pandemic?  If so, the Physiotherapy Benevolent Fund (PBF) may be able to help you.

The MBF has been successful in applying for a significant grant from the national  Covid-19 Healthcare Support Appeal (CHSA) fund, which is focussed on assisting eligible members who are experiencing financial hardship due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The Physiotherapy Benevolent Fund (PBF) is an independent registered charity that supports past and present members of the CSP.

Support can take a number of forms:

  • A financial monthly allowance.
  • A one-off grant.
  • An interest-free loan.
  • CSP membership subscription.

Please rest assured that all applications are treated in total confidence

The PBF is able to assist: Past and present members of the CSP experiencing unforeseen hardship or financial difficulties. To be eligible for funding, members must have been a subscribing member of the CSP for two years (six months for students). However, we are a caring profession and want to make sure that we look after our members in their time of need.


Number of subscribers: 1