Also in this issue
Are you making the most of your membership?
We highlight some of the unique benefits that your membership offers you, whether you’re a qualified member, associat
Lorna Flisher: Working hard on workers’ behalf
Supporting and representing fellow members in the workplace, Lorna Flisher has a challenging but crucial role.
Management of Neck Pain Disorders: a research-informed approach
Helen Harte, CSP Professional Advisor, reviews this issue's featured book.
Views and opinions: 20 February 2019
IV vitamin therapy warning and submitting an abstract to Physiotherapy UK.
Physio findings: yoga for arthritis and less time in casts
Can yoga ease rheumatoid arthritis and is less time in a cast beneficial for ankle fractures?
How to give evidence at a coroner's inquest
Emma Ryan shares her experiences and advice for giving evidence at a coroner's inquest into a sudden death on a ward.
Informatics isn't just for geeks
Technology has revolutionised lots of industries, so why hasn’t the influence been the same in healthcare?
Your comments
We’d love to hear your views so do get in touch, email