UK physiotherapy workforce review

The workforce review draws datasets together to build a comprehensive picture of the size and diversity of the UK physiotherapy workforce.

The review revealed there is not a single UK-wide picture. Understanding local needs across the four countries and regions, as well as the differences between them, ensures that workforce solutions remain right for each setting and administration.

Coming soon: The CSP physiotherapy workforce dashboard 

Our data dashboard will provide real-time insights and analytics on the physiotherapy workforce across the UK. 

Drawing on a range of data sources, the interactive tool will incorporate information about the size, distribution and characteristics of the workforce. 

The dashboard will be an essential tool for: 

  • National bodies seeking to understand the availability of physiotherapy staff 

  • Healthcare decision-makers planning their workforce needs 

  • Service leads seeking to recruit to new or existing roles 

Check back in the coming weeks for publication of the dashboard. 

The physiotherapy workforce in England

Ambitious objectives in the NHS Long Term will not be met without the workforce targets for physiotherapy staff across the system to enable delivery.

England needs more physiotherapy staff
Two physios hold equipment in hospital rehab space

The physiotherapy workforce in Northern Ireland

The supply and retention of physiotherapists in Northern Ireland has reached a critical point and is now verging on a crisis.

Northern Ireland needs more physiotherapy staff
Two physios work with man in a wheelchair

The physiotherapy workforce in Scotland

Physiotherapy is a profession ready to grow in Scotland and is crucial to address current workforce needs as well as addressing health inequities.

Scotland needs more physiotherapy staff
Scotland physiotherapist

The physiotherapy workforce in Wales

Expanding the physiotherapy workforce in Wales will provide more rehab, more proactive care, reduce the unnecessary time patients spend in hospital, and improve GP access.

Wales needs more physiotherapy staff
Patient and physio in hospital corridor

How the UK physio workforce compares internationally

The UK has one of the lowest rates of physios per person compared with similar Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries

How does the UK compare to other countries?

The consequences of workforce shortages

Shortages in the physiotherapy workforce lead to less time spent on service improvement, reduced clinical outcomes, longer waiting times, increased demands elsewhere in the system and pressure on staff.

What are the consequences of workforce shortages?
Physio giving rehab to patient

Rising demand for physiotherapy

Although the registered physiotherapy workforce in the UK has been expanding consistently for some time, this is not keeping pace with increasing demand

How can we build a workforce fit for the future?
Hand rehab with two physios