CSP seeks more clarity about physio staffing needs in the NHS

The CSP has commissioned the North of England Commissioning Support Unit (NECSU) to carry out a review of the physiotherapy workforce.

As part of this review, NECSU it is running a survey of service managers and team leaders.

While the physiotherapy workforce review has looked at existing policy and workforce data, the results of the survey will help develop an expert consensus of NHS physio staffing requirements.

Rachel Newton, head of policy at the CSP, said: ‘With staffing shortages in the NHS never off the front page, the CSP is seeking to find a true picture of physiotherapy staffing needs. To get this we need CSP members’ help.’

How can members help?

If you are a service manager or team leader of an NHS service, please complete this survey and encourage your peers to do so.

If you are not a manager or a team leader in an NHS service, please encourage your manager to complete this.

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