Acupuncture, Amputee rehabilitation, Arthritis, Back, neck, joints and muscles, Continence management, Chronic Fatigue / ME, Covid, Learning Disabilities (Adults), Learning Disabilities (Children), Lymphoedema management, Musicians' injuries, Neurology inc Stroke, MS, Older people's care, Orthopaedics / Trauma, Pain management, Scarring, burns and plastics, Sports physiotherapy, Vestibular rehab (balance), Women's health
Payment options
Further information
We help people in pain transform their lives, improve energy and return to activities they love through specialist rehabilitation and elite equipment. Sports injuries | Neuro | Physio | Ready for change?
The only clinic in North Devon to boast so many pieces of elite equipment all under one roof
- Antigravity Treadmill
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
- Shockwave
- Compex
- Recovery Boots
- Reformer/ Cadi
- Lymphatouch
- Hand-held dynamometer testing
We have 3 elements to our service in Barnstaple
Whether you are suffering from a sports injury or experiencing pain in your muscle, joint or nerve we have a wealth of experience in treating people with a combination of hands-on, exercise prescriptions and specialist equipment to facilitate recovery.
We look after the Barnstaple Town Football Team and the Barnstaple RFC including performance testing and high-level return to sport planning.
- Sports Injuries
- Ligament tears
- Tendinopathy
- Arthritis
- Post-operative rehabilitation
- Muscle strains/tears
- Back pain
- Shoulder pain
- Knee pain
To see whether we are the right fit you can book a free phone consultation here
Women's Health And Scar Therapy
We have specialist training and facilities to help people with postpartum symptoms recover and regain their identity.
- Incontinence
- Post C-Section
- Postpartum return to exercise
- Scar therapy post-surgical
- Scar therapy post open scar
- Lymphatouch for burns and scars
To find out more about our women's health services click here or scar clinic click here
Neurological Physiotherapy
Our large rehabilitation centre is perfect to provide a friendly, safe place to build confidence and improve independence under the guidance of a specialist neuro physio.
- Acquired brain injury
- Spinal cord Injury
- Stroke
- MS
- Parkinson's
Do you have rehabilitation potential? Take our quiz here
Free Resources For You
Does anxiety influence your pain?