Arthritis, Back, neck, joints and muscles, Hand therapy, Orthopaedics / Trauma, Sports physiotherapy, Vestibular rehab (balance)
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Our aim is to work with you to reduce your pain and discomfort, to get you moving with freedom and optimise your health and wellbeing. We are committed to improve access and deliver high quality care to individuals in our community.
At MedicPhysio, our physiotherapists are specialised in treating musculoskeletal conditions and follow up-to-date scientific evidence-based practice to ensure that therapy is providing the expected benefit, and in the shortest possible time.
Whether it’s your feet, ankles and legs, your hands, arms and shoulders, or your back and neck – an injury that makes it painful or difficult to move can have a big impact on your life.
MedicPhysio physiotherapists are specialists in the management of movement disorders. We will talk with you, observe your movement and use a hands-on assessment to evaluate your problem. We will take the time to explain your diagnosis and develop a treatment plan.
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