Physiotherapist with an interest in ME

Salary Negotiable
Town/City Windsor SL4 1BA
Payment type Per hour
Region England
Contract type Contract unspecified
Closing date
Hours Part-time
Job reference Physio
Type of employer Private provider
Name of employer The ME Trust

Other benefits

Vacancy details

Self-employed contractor role for charity.


  • To provide a Physiotherapy service as part of a multi-disciplinary team, for The ME Trust, on a part time basis
  • Respond to specific or general Physiotherapy referrals
  • Carry out assessments, provide advice and recommend interventions to manage the symptoms in patients with ME/CFS and related conditions, working with a whole person approach, and involving family/carers where appropriate
  • Provide written reports for the person with ME and others involved in their care with consent of the patient
  • Participate in 6-8 weekly Clinical Team meetings

Main tasks:

  • Arrange and undertake consultations in the most appropriate manner for the patient- whether remotely, by telephone, skype, zoom or email or by home visit (according to geographical location)
  • Carry out an assessment
  • Consider choices and in collaboration with the person with ME, agree attainable and realistic goals, however small
  • Offer a selection of gentle progressive interventions to facilitate an improvement in their quality of life
  • Seek to reduce fear associated with the illness and to create an environment for healing
  • Offer follow-up consultations with patients by phone, skype, zoom or by email
  • Offer clear and consistent information and advice to people with ME and their family/carers
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How to apply

Please send CV with a covering letter to: