Comment: Everyone’s a winner

We’ve had a little celebration at Frontline this week – the magazine was commended by the TUC from among 17 union titles in its annual communication awards ceremony.

‘Bright, engaging, with upbeat photos of members and... an inclusive feel’ was how the judges described it.

Of course it’s always great to win something and the team here are delighted at the news.  But it also underlines the importance of the CSP communicating effectively with members, and in helping you, in turn, to become more involved in your society – in ways that work for you.

You’ll be hearing more about getting engaged over the coming months, as the CSP rolls out its ‘Physiotherapy Works Locally’ meetings, showing what the programme’s message means to you in your area.
Find out more inside (page 11 and 20).

Lynn Eaton managing editor Frontline and head of CSP member communications

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