The TRUTH about Pain and Injury A TRUE Biopsychosocial Approach

Course/Conference Details

Introductory offer £310
Online course


Aspen Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic

Course/Conference Organiser

Organiser name:

Aspen Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic

Organiser telephone:

01661 830980

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The Truth About Pain and Injury (A Biopsychosocial Approach)

Are you a practitioner working with people with pain and injury?

Do you find that treatments such as joint manipulation and mobilisation, soft tissue techniques, massage, electrotherapy, acupuncture, core stability etc. often only provide patients with short-term relief from their pain and symptoms, or no relief at all?

Would you like to learn more about why this is and how the latest pain science can be applied in any clinical situation to help us treat pain and injury much more effectively and successfully, and would you like to learn this at your own pace?

If the answer is yes, then this course has been created and produced for you.

There is nothing else, like this course!

Not only will you learn by reading through 9 modules of text and watching over 8 1/2 hours of video lectures, there are also some optional interactive clinical exercises designed to help you practice new skills and consolidate your learning and knowledge.

Enrolling on this course, enables you to study the highly evidence-based clinician centred content whenever you want in your own time, and at your own pace. Once purchased you have unlimited access, so there is no time limit on how long you take to complete the course. There are no subscription fees, it’s yours forever, enabling you to revisit videos or re-read text any time you want.

There are no other clinician centred courses that utilise high-quality evidence-based pain science and its practical clinical application to the level and depth, that is evident throughout the ‘Truth About Pain and Injury’.

Rooted in contemporary pain science based on research work by Steve Robson including his published work co-authored with Louis Gifford

Human pain is not simple! Pain is never just a result of something ‘going wrong’ with a joint, muscle, tendon, bone, or ligament. Nor is it a manifestation of weak, tight, or ‘knotted’ muscles. It is also not a series of simple signals that run from the body’s tissues up nerves registering as pain in the brain.

Pain involves the ever-changing complex interplay of factors such as our genes, immune responses, nerves, injured, and uninjured, body, tissues, thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and memories. It involves sociological and cultural factors, including our environment, family, life, and social upbringing. We could think of pain as the emergent perception of our biological, psychological, and sociological state, or put a little more simply, pain is a biopsychosocial experience. If you would like to learn more about this and how to use contemporary pain science knowledge to help your patients recover more successfully and consistently from pain and injury, click on the link for further information.

28 hrs CPD.