Fix East Village

Practice details

8am - 8pm weekedays, 9am - 5pm weekends
Fix East Village Stratford Osteopathy, Physiotherapy and Massage Clinic, 11 Penny Brookes Street, East Village, London E20 1BN

51.5462507, -0.0065935

See directions to practice

Safeguarding young children with the correct professional care

Prior to booking an appointment check with the practice/physiotherapists that enhanced DBS checks and appropriate up-to-date safeguarding training is in place.


Acupuncture, Back, neck, joints and muscles, Children's physiotherapy, Continence management, Musicians' injuries, Neurology inc Stroke, MS, Orthopaedics / Trauma, Pain management, Pilates, Sports physiotherapy, Women's health

Payment options


Fix East Village

Further information

Your Health and Wellness experts in the heart of the East Village, Stratford.

Offering Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Massage and other therapy and health services in E20. All under one roof.

Putting YOUR health, healing and recovery needs FIRST, no waiting, just answers and actions.