Acupuncture, Amputee rehabilitation, Arthritis, Back, neck, joints and muscles, Cardio-vascular / Respiratory, Chronic Fatigue / ME, Hand therapy, Home visits, Lymphoedema management, Medico-legal / Expert witness, Men's Health, Musicians' injuries, Neurology inc Stroke, MS, Older people's care, Orthopaedics / Trauma, Pain management, Rheumatology, Scarring, burns and plastics, Sports physiotherapy, Vestibular rehab (balance), Women's health, Workplace health
Payment options
Further information
Expert Physiotherapy Care in Harrow and Hertfordshire – Established in 2011
At Axis Physiotherapy, we are committed to delivering exceptional physiotherapy services that prioritise your recovery, health, and well-being.
Why Choose Us?
Highly Qualified Team: Our clinicians hold advanced degrees and are registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), ensuring the highest standards of care.
Specialised Expertise: We specialise in adult neurological rehabilitation (e.g., stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease) and musculoskeletal conditions (e.g., arthritis, sports injuries, back pain).
Comprehensive Services: We offer clinic appointments in Harrow, convenient home visits throughout Harrow, Wembley, Pinner, Greenford, Stanmore, Ruislip and Hertfordshire (call to confirm coverage in your postcode), and virtual consultations for flexible care.
Advanced Therapies: Our clinic employs the latest physiotherapy treatments including shockwave therapy and high-intensity laser therapy, to enhance recovery outcomes - for managing acute and chronic pain.
Insurance Coverage: We are recognised by major health insurance providers, making our services accessible and affordable.
Who We Help -
Our personalised physiotherapy programmes are designed for:
Neurological Conditions: Stroke, multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease, Parkinson's disease, and more.
Post-Surgical Rehabilitation: Hip and knee replacements, back surgery, ligament reconstruction, and other post-operative care including cardiac rehabilitation.
Elderly Care: Fall prevention, mobility improvement, confidence building, and comprehensive rehabilitation for older adults.
Our Physiotherapy Services
- Neurological Physiotherapy - Stroke, Parkinson's disease, Multiple sclerosis, MND, Peripheral nerve disorders, Cerebral palsy, Spinal cord injury, Brain injury.
- Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
- Arthritis Pain Management
- Knee and Hip Rehabilitation
- Neck and Shoulder Pain Treatment
- Whiplash Associated Disorders (WAD)
- Electrotherapy (including Shockwave and High-intensity Laser)
- Back Pain Management
- Tendinitis and Tendinopathy
- Plantar fasciitis
- Posture management
- Ligament related injuries and pain
- Bursitis
- Sciatica
- Nerve pain
- Injury Rehabilitation (Sports and General)
- Sports Massage
- Dry Needling (Trigger Point Therapy)
- Home Assessments & Fall Prevention
- Medico-Legal Assessments & Reporting
- Lymphedema
- Falls
- General muscle de-conditioning
Convenient Parking Available at Our Clinic
Reviews: Please read our Google reviews by clicking on the link below.
Axis Physiotherapy reviews on Google
Book an appointment: You can book an appointment online now by clicking on the link below.
Book an appointment online now
Payments: We accept all major credit or debit cards, BACS transfers and PayPal. No hidden charges. All payments will be first discussed with you before processing.
Call or Whatsapp us on 02080904979 or send us a message on 07886797394.
By integrating a broad range of specialised services and advanced therapeutic techniques, we strive to provide comprehensive and effective care tailored to each patient's unique needs.