Why is evidence-based practise important?

The CSP position statement is the first step in developing a clear, up-to-date understanding on what EBP means within and for the profession.



This is important in order to:

  • underpin and shape how the profession delivers patient care
  • promote the value and impact of UK physiotherapy’s contribution to meeting population and patient needs in clinically and cost-effective ways
  • inform the development of physiotherapy practice, service delivery and education, and physiotherapy’s development as a workforce
  • progress the profession’s approach to developing, using and promoting research and its contribution to generating new evidence, knowledge transfer and service improvement.

The statement sets out the CSP’s expectations of members to engage in EBP and how the CSP expects its members to be supported in engaging in EBP. It addresses why EBP is important and some of the misconceptions about EBP.

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