NHS pay across the UK

As pay for 2024-25 moves forward in three of the four UK countries we look at the latest information. 

Pay scales

Scotland – members overwhelmingly vote to accept offer 

In Scotland the government offered a 5.5% consolidated pay uplift across all pay points.  Ninety-four per cent of CSP members in Scotland have voted to accept this offer.   The offer has also been accepted by the other Health Unions and so the government has confirmed they will now implement in full, and the money will be in October pay packets with back pay expected in November.  

For more details visit NHS pay in Scotland 2024/25  

Wales – members should look out for their opportunity to have their say 

The Welsh government have now committed to implement the Pay Review Body recommendations in full.  They are making an award of 5.5%, alongside the addition of an intermediate pay point for bands 8-9 and a commitment to take forward reform of the Agenda for Change pay structure.  It is expected that the pay award and back pay will be in November pay packets. 

This week the CSP will start gathering views of members in Wales as we did in England. 

To ensure we can contact members directly, all members should check their member information in particular their employer and workplace information and contact details, including the full postal address.     

For more details visit NHS pay in Wales 2024/25  


England – the majority of members feel the award is acceptable 

In England, as in Wales, the Pay Review Body process meant that the government were making an award on pay and not an offer.  CSP members were asked whether the 5.5%, alongside the addition of an intermediate pay point for bands 8-9 and a commitment to take forward reform of the Agenda for Change pay structure was an acceptable award.  Although turn-out overall was low, 70% of those voting indicated they thought it was acceptable for this year. 

For more details visit NHS pay in England 2024/25 

Northern Ireland – awaiting Executive response to PRB recommendations 

In Northern Ireland the health unions are working together to put pressure on the Executive to respond to the Pay Review Body recommendations.  We will continue to update as we know more. 

Elaine Sparkes, Assistant Director of Employment Relations and Union Services at the CSP, said: 

Our members in Scotland have voted overwhelmingly to accept the government’s 5.5 per cent consolidated pay offer, which follows England and Wales pay awards of 5.5 per cent.  

In England, members were asked for views of the award rather than to accept or reject as it was not an offer. Seventy per cent said that the award is acceptable for this year. 

The outcomes so far indicate that members are acknowledging the above inflation uplift this year as a first step in bringing pay back up to pre-austerity levels, but it remains a considerable way from what is needed in the long-term. 

Alongside continuing to raise the issues in Northern Ireland and awaiting feedback in Wales, we will also be turning our attention to next year’s pay. It is crucial we keep pushing for a fair reward for all those providing physiotherapy services and for staff across the NHS.  If the long term workforce issues of recruitment and retention are to be addressed then fair pay most remain central and the CSP will continue to make this case.

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