CSP members working in the NHS in England have voted clearly to accept the UK government's offer on pay.
The offer would provide an additional bonus worth around £2,000 for most members on top of the £1,400 award received in 2022/23 by members, along with a consolidated increase of five per cent for 2023/24.
65 per cent of voters accepted the offer, compared to 35 per cent who rejected – on a turnout of 60 per cent.
Following several months of government refusal to discuss pay, the offer was reached in March through two weeks of intensive talks.
It was recommended by the CSP’s pay sub-group of members as the best achievable through negotiation.
A meeting on 2 May of the NHS Staff Council, which brings together trade unions, NHS Employers and the Department of Health and Social Care, will review the outcome of all the consultations across 14 health unions.
A final decision will then be made on whether the offer will be implemented based on the overall outcome.
Decisive result
Claire Sullivan, director of employment relations at the CSP, said the member vote had produced a decisive result.
‘Our members have voted clearly to accept this offer and we will now cast our votes at the NHS staff council accordingly,’ she said.
‘While falling short of what our members, and all NHS staff, deserve, the money on offer will go some way to helping to offset the rising costs of 22/23, while also providing the certainty of a 5 per cent increase for the current pay year.
The government should be in no doubt that the offer was accepted with reluctance and that further work is urgently needed to ensure pay levels are restored to pre-2010 levels without delay.
‘This is the only way to address the on-going NHS recruitment and retention crisis effectively.
Strike action
‘This year, our members have shown great determination in voting for, and taking, strike action in large numbers and the support of the public has remained firmly behind them throughout.
‘It is only this courage that brought the government back into talks and resulted in an improved pay offer for both 2022/3 and 2023/4.
‘We will now continue the fight for the fair pay that our members deserve and that is needed to solve the NHS workforce crisis.’
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