Time off for stewards

As a CSP steward you have a legal right to time off from work to carry out your role and to attend training. 

Information and links to a number of resources to support you can be found in the Quick Guide to Time Off and Facilities (below).

The Quick Guide links to the following resource sheets:

  1. What is Time Off and Facilities?
  2. Time Off and Facilities and the Law
  3. Time Off and Facilities Agreements
  4. Freedom of Information Act
  5. Benefits to your Employer
  6. Making the most of Time Off and Facilities

CSP training: the verdict of managers

CSP training for stewards is crucial to help you carry out your role. It is also beneficial to your employer. Don't take our word for it. Read what three physio managers we asked have to say:

"By attending CSP meetings and training sessions I recognise that my steward will gain skills and knowledge to represent CSP members for our trust and will be able to support in matters arising. The skills and knowledge gained will also reach a wider population as dissemination of information will be timely and efficient.”

"Keeping an engagement with issues and professional affairs at regional and national levels assists us in giving assurance that the services we deliver are safe and effective. Time invested in reps attending training is an investment which has a positive impact on the workforce feeling valued and most importantly supported."

"R. is able to share her new knowledge with myself and the team, enabling us to keep up to date with any new initiatives and projects that we may like to be involved in or projects that may have impact on our service and profession."

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