A selection of tools and information sources that you may find useful
HydroBubble – bubble PEP
The HydroBubble allows respiratory patients to clear secretions and keep their airways clear by blowing bubbles into water, which creates positive expiratory pressure (PEP). The device was developed in the UK by two nurses, Yasmin Hussaini and Jane White, and physiotherapist Naomi Parsons, who all provide cystic fibrosis care. It is available via the NHS Supply Chain: hydrobubble.co.uk
AHP critical care capability framework
If you come across any resources and tools you would like to share with other clinicians please send them to frontline@csp.org.uk.
The Intensive Care Society has published a comprehensive multi-professional capability framework for allied health professionals, endorsed by the CSP. The framework is suitable for AHPs who work within critical care settings at all levels of practice: icsahpframework.ics.ac.uk
Hip dysplasia aid
Physiotherapist Elizabeth Evans, who is a member of the UK Hip Physio Network, has developed the ALPHA alert – an aid to detect adults acetabular hip dysplasia.
Respiratory physio hub for Scotland
NHS Education for Scotland has created a respiratory physio hub, which provides information about resources available to support respiratory physios across Scotland. Register at Turas.
Become a Churchill fellow
The Churchill Fellowship is offering up to 130 fellowship places this year, with applications open to health-related programmes that focus on issues such as ‘promoting lifelong health’.
Appointed fellows will be funded to explore approaches from around the world and then bring back and apply their learning to make change in the UK.
Applications are now open and close on 12 November: at the Churchill fellowship
Resources appearing on this page are not necessarily endorsed by the CSP
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