The risk of assault to physiotherapists: beyond zero tolerance?


Violence and aggression are unfortunate yet common occurrences in general healthcare settings across the world. Physical assault is arguably the most distressing aspect and can have profound physical, psychological and emotional consequences. All staff who have contact with patients are at risk, including physiotherapists. Violence against nursing and medical staff has received much attention, yet the scope of debate and discussion within the physiotherapy profession has been limited. This paper outlines relevant literature on violence and aggression within healthcare environments, and raises potential strategies that may help staff to deal with these behaviours. Discussion also highlights why physiotherapists may be at risk of aggression and violence, and calls for changes to be made to prepare physiotherapy students more effectively for such behaviour.


The risk of assault to physiotherapists: beyond zero tolerance?
Brendon Stubbs, Sue Winstanley, Nick Alderman, Louise Birkett-Swan
Physiotherapy - June 2009 (Vol. 95, Issue 2, Pages 134-139, DOI: 10.1016/