Physical fitness in children with movement difficulties



This study examined physical fitness in 9- and 10-year-old children with and without movement difficulties.


The whole sample of children completed the Test of Physical Fitness, which included nine component tasks.


School sports hall of participating children.


An initial sample of 67 children was ranked on their scores from the Movement Assessment Battery for Children. The 12 children with the highest scores were designated the group with movement difficulties, and the 12 children with the lowest scores constituted the comparison group.


Significant differences between the group with movement difficulties and the comparison group were found for all nine tasks and the total score for the Test of Physical Fitness.


The relatively poor performance of the group with movement difficulties is hypothesised to result from their lower levels of physical activity. Poor physical fitness in these children is an important concern for present and future health status.


Physical fitness in children with movement difficulties
Monika Haga
Physiotherapy - September 2008 (Vol. 94, Issue 3, Pages 253-259, DOI: 10.1016/