Course/Conference Details

8.30 - 4.30
Holy Cross Hospital, Haslemere, Surrey, Hindhead Road, Haslemere, Surrey GU27 1NQ

51.1009953, -0.736717


Dr Alison Grimaldi

Course/Conference Organiser

Organiser name:

Joanna Phillips

Organiser telephone:

01428 643311

Organiser email:


Do you have a list of possible diagnoses that jump to mind when someone presents with lateral hip or buttock pain? Do you consider posterior joint stability, extra-articular impingements of the lesser or greater trochanter or peripheral nerve entrapments?
What is your strategy for working through the differential diagnoses and which subjective and objective markers determine your pathway towards each particular diagnosis?
Once you have determined the most likely diagnosis, are you also able to identify and develop a plan to address the most potent drivers for each individual’s presentation?
Would you like to Fast Track your lateral hip and buttock Rehab?
Lateral hip and particularly buttock pain can often present a diagnostic dilemma. The lumbar spine and sacroiliac joints may refer into these regions; intra-articular hip pathologies may be accompanied by lateral hip &/or buttock pain; local soft tissues & neural structures may be primary sources of nociception. The first step is determining the most likely contributors to the patient’s pain presentation. Developing an optimal management program with positive effects past the short term, will also require an evaluation of physical & psychological drivers. Intrinsic & extrinsic factors should be considered within the overall context of workload. While non-modifiable factors (e.g., bony morphology) are by nature unable to be modified, awareness of these factors can be integral to providing advice and interventions (active or passive) that ‘do no harm’ and development of strategies that allow maximal function with minimisation of adverse effects.
This course aims to:
•Enhance clinical reasoning, and skills for assessment of nociceptive sources, clinicalentities and drivers associated with lateral hip & buttock pain
•Provide a framework for development of optimally effective, targeted interventionsfor each individual that considers
oMorphological variants & implications for load management advice,exercise therapy and manual therapy
oAdverse joint or soft tissue loading associated with kinematics andneuromotor function
oIndividual goals and functional demands
•Provide opportunity to practice useful exercise therapy and nerve mobilisationtechniques