This content is no longer available

Content sometimes has to be removed from the website.  There can be a number of reasons for this which are summarised below. 

Removal of content can include editing or removing specific comments or contributions or removing the entire item.  This message is presented because the full item has been removed.  The reasons why an item of content can be removed include: 

Inappropriate content

This may have been reported by one or more users or facilitators or may be the result of a formal complaint or have been identified by the CSP as inappropriate.  CSP will remove an item following review.  The review will reference the Terms of Service where appropriate. 

Out-of-date content

Most items of content are, eventually, removed from the site and generally this message will not display.  If, however, it is felt that users may still be trying to access an item that we need to remove this message may be displayed.  Removal may be necessary if the content is, for example, no longer relevant, accurate or safe.

Contributor request

If a user, for any reason, requests that an item that they have contributed be removed from the site this request will be actioned.

Complaint(s) under investigation

It may, on occassion be necessary to remove an item of content if for any reason it comes under investigation e.g. following one or more complaints.  This decision may be to protect the interests of the site or those who have contributed to the item.

Copyright infringement

Items will be removed if a copyright complaint is made about the item.  Such items can be reinstated if subsequently proven that there is no copyright infringement.

Data protection infringement

Items will be removed if, in the view of the CSP, there is an infringement of Data protection.

If you would like to contact the CSP regarding content on the website then please use our contact us page

Last reviewed: